Actualités - Un appel de E-Faith - le programme COSME = A call from E-Faith - COSME-programme = Een roep van E-Faith - het Cosme-programma
Publié le 5 avril 2016Mid May a EU funded COSME-programme will start to promote the industrial heritage of SMEs. E-FAITH will advise the project and the project partners.
However the theme "industrial heritage of SMEs" is so large that one risks drowning in the mass of sites and relics linked to professions and small industries. Some limitations and priorities should be faced.
At the start one will thus focus on three topics, although other may be proposed:
1) Brewery, alcoholic drinks, distilleries
2) Brick- and tile making
3) Weaving
To set up a methodology we would like to draw a tentative list of existing sites and collections typical of the priorities set.
May we ask you to support this initiative by filling in a record card (see attachment) for one site, museum or private collection in your country - and to send it back to our secretariat as soon as possible (